Hello from Smart&Safe®

In the 1980s, my uncle, Eliezer Berlinger, died of Glioblastoma Multiforme cancer (a form of brain cancer).
The doctors noticed that the size and shape of the cancer was consistent with the dimensions of a cell phone.
Cell phones are to the 21st century carcinogenic as cigarettes were to the 20th century.
Devastated by the news that my uncle was going to die, I realized that the vast public is not aware of the dangers cell phones present to us and do not know how to safely use a cell phone.
I decided to start a company known as Smart & Safe.
I designed headphones for mobile phones that reduce the electromagnetic radiation (EMR or EMF) emitted by mobile phones by up to 98% based on an innovative air tube headset.
My designs turn cell phones eco-friendly and radiation safe.
Over time, I have added a variety of solutions and additional products for daily use, which are used to protect and block the radiation emitted from mobile phones, cellular antennas, Wi-Fi routers, microwave ovens, and other devices that emit RF radiation.
I also developed some unique products for radiation protection at ELF frequencies - radiation emitted from electrical appliances, household and industrial electrical panels, high-voltage power grids, transformers, and energy centers.
I founded a consulting company that specializes in professional advice on electromagnetic fields. The company employs engineers who are experts in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and performs simulations for the expansion of the magnetic field and accompanies many projects in the aspect of electromagnetic radiation.
The company is one of the leaders in the field and deals with, among other things, military facilities, public institutions, educational institutions for children and youth, industrial facilities, commerce, and offices, as well as private homes and residential apartments.
The company also accompanies projects in the field of electric transportation in terms of radiation hazards such as users of electric vehicles, buses, public transportation powered by electricity, and light trains.
Our primary goal is to save lives and increase public awareness of electromagnetic radiation danger, base on the "Better Safe than Sorry" principal.